High Contrast Black and White Booklet

Promote perception with strong contrasts and toys

Sale price€19,99 EUR
Auf Lager - In 2-4 Tagen bei Dir
Our "High Contrast Black and White" booklet has 8 pages to give your baby the best support from day one. With high-contrast black and white patterns, it stimulates the imagination and promotes visual perception. Your baby will be able to recognize the little color highlights better from week to week.
High Contrast Black and White Booklet

Beautifully designed books that entertain and at the same time promote the child's cognitive, motor and social development

- Bonita Turner, Junior Editor

Meaningful Play

This play essential enhances specific cognitive, fine motor and social & emotional skills. Find out which milestones they cover below.

Cognitive milestones

Cognitive Endurance

Visual Perception



Colour recognition

Shape recognition

Fine motor skills


Social and emotional development



Language development

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