Travel Buddy Flugzeug

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Unser aufregendes Travel Buddy Flugzeug nimmt kleine Entdecker mit auf eine phantasievolle Reise hoch in den Himmel. Durch die spielerische Erkundung der verschiedenen Flugzeugdetails wird die Vorstellungskraft angeregt.
Travel Buddy Flugzeug

Beautifully designed books that entertain and at the same time promote the child's cognitive, motor and social development

- Bonita Turner, Junior Editor

Meaningful Play

This play essential enhances specific cognitive, fine motor and social & emotional skills. Find out which milestones they cover below.

Cognitive milestones

Sorting & Matching

Logical Thinking

Sensory exploration

Hand-eye Coordination


Colour recognition

Fine motor skills

Zip up and Down

Pincer Grip


Button and Unbotton

Social and emotional development

Vocabulary expansion


Role Play



Bundle Up & Save

As seen in